Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Basic Information about the Trip

Friday March 19 to Sunday March 28
DAY 1: Friday March 19

Royal Jordanian Airlines will probably be our carrier for the trip

Departure New York to Amman:
You can arrange you your own transportation to New York or our travel agent can help you.

DAY 2: Saturday March 20

This the Roman theater in the center of old Amman

Arrive Amman, Jordan Dinner & overnight:
We will arrive in Jordan and spend the night in Amman the ancient home of the Ammonites

DAY 3: Sunday March 21

This is Karak one of the best preserved of all the Crusader castles

This day we visit: Madaba / Mount Nebo / Karak, Overnight Petra:

We will travel down the Kings Highway from Amman to Madaba to see the oldest map of the Holy Land which is a mosaic on the floor of a Byzantine Church, then on to see Mt Nebo where Moses viewed the Promised Land before he died. We will travel south to Karak to visit a nicely preserved Crusader castle. We will spend the night at Petra.
DAY 4: Monday March 22

This the Treasury at Petra you might recognize it from the Indiana Jones movie

Full day at Petra, Overnight Amman:
You will be able to spend the day exploring the amazing city of Petra with tomb facades carved into the red sandstone cliffs. A horse ride is included in the tour. Then we will travel to Amman to spend the night.
DAY 5 Tuesday March 23

Here is an aerial view of Masada with the three tiered palace of Herod the Great

Cross to Israel, visit Masada / Qumran / Jericho, overnight Jerusalem
We will cross the Jordan river and stop at the ancient city of Jericho and then on to Qumran where the Dead Sea scrolls were found and then up to fortress of Masada which overlooks the Dead Sea. We spend the night in Jerusalem.
DAY 6, Wednesday March 24

This is the Dome of the Rock which is built where Solomon's temple once stood

This day we visit: Mount of Olives / Church and Garden of Gethsemane / Bethlehem / Old City of Jerusalem / Garden Tomb, Overnight Jerusalem:
This will be a full day touring the important sites in and around Jerusalem. We will visit the Mount of Olives, the Garden of Gethsemane, and the Garden tomb. We also walk through the Old City of Jerusalem and visit Bethlehem.
DAY 7 Thursday March 25

This a painting of fishermen at the Sea of Galilee

This day we visit: Tiberias / Capernaum / Boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, Overnight Tiberias:
We will head north to the Sea of Galilee area. We will visit Tiberias and Capernaum. Our group will take a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee.
DAY 8 Friday March 26

This is an aerial view of the harbor of Caesarea

This day we visit: Cana/Nazareth/Mt. Carmel/ Caesarea, Overnight Jerusalem:
We will leave Tiberias and visit Cana where Jesus performed his first miracle and then on to his home town of Nazareth. Later we will go to the coast of the Mediterranean and visit Mt Carmel where the prophet Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal. We will then Caesarea on the sea, the Roman harbor built by Herod the Great.

DAY 9 Saturday March 27

Here is main street of Jerash (ancient Gerasa)

Cross to Jordan visit Jerash /Amman, Overnight Amman:
We will cross the Jordan river again and visit the Decapolis city of Gerasa (Jerash), It is one of the finest preserved Roman cities in the Middle East.

DAY 10 Sunday March 28
We will fly from Amman to New York and then head for home.

Your Tour Coordinator
Dr. John D. Wineland
Dr. Wineland has a Ph.D. in ancient history from Miami University.
He is a field archaeologist who has excavated 12 summers in the Middle East.
He has lead seven study tours to the Mediterranean area, to Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Syria, Turkey, Greece, and Italy.

Pricing Information
The price is $2900 this includes round trip airfare, New York to Amman, ground transportation, double occupancy lodging, breakfasts, dinners, entrance fees, and visas.

It does not include drinks, lunches, personal items and anything else not mentioned above.

A deposit of $500 is needed by November 2, 2009.

Credit Available
Undergraduate credit is available in history or Biblical studies through Kentucky Christian University.
Graduate credit from Kentucky Christian University is also available for this trip.

Who can participate?
This trip is open to KCU students, alumni, parents, friends, and people from your home church too.

Contact Dr. John D. Wineland
Office phone: 606-474-3178

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