Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Roman Aquaduct at Caesaria
Hello Everyone,

I wanted to remind you that there is still time to get your deposits in for our exciting trip coming up in March.

Please send me a $500 deposit as soon as you can. Make the check payable to Cross Culture Travel and Tours. You can put the check in campus mailbox at KCU which is Box 2001 or you can mail it to me

Dr. John Wineland
100 Academic Parkway
Grayson, KY 41143

Also remember you need a passport for the trip. If you do not have one please bring the process now, you can get started at your local post office.

Please send me an email with an update about your plans for March. Let me know

1. if you have a passport.

2. if your still planning to go on the trip.

3. if you have signed up for the trip for credit.

4. If your having trouble getting the deposit money together

Remember we need 16 people (apart from me) going on this trip to keep the price as listed.

Right now I have received 8 deposits and I know 2 more deposits are on the way. So we need at least 6 more people.

Thank You

John Wineland