Thursday, March 25, 2010

Caesarea, And the Sea of Galilee

Our group at Caesarea

Our group on the Sea of Galilee.

St Peter's Fish

Some of our group eating next to the Sea of Galilee

St Peter's house at Capernaum

Greetings from Israel,

Today was another busy day. We started out in Jerusalem this morning. Then we drove to Caesarea and saw the nice theater and the aquaeduct. Then we drove by Mt Carmel and through the Jezreel Valley to Tiberius. We visited Capernaum, the Mount of the Beattitudes, we ate St Peter's fish by the Sea of Galilee. We also visited the "Jesus Boat".

We took a boat ride on Sea of Galilee to end our long day.

We got in late so I will keep this brief for now.

All is well tomorrow we will go to the Jordan River and brief stop at Beth Shan.
We will Jerash tomorrow and Amman.

John Wineland
Tiberius, Israel

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