Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Hello Everyone

I hope you are getting excited about the trip.

Here is an important update so please pay special attention to this message

1. We are to the point of definite commitment now, tomorrow airline tickets will be purchased THIS MEANS THAT AFTER THIS POINT IF THE TRIP IS CANCELLED FOR ANY REASON THAT YOU WILL LOSE $250. I want this to be clear so there are no hard feelings in the future.

2. Also this means IF ANY ONE JOINS THE TRIP IN 2010 THAT THE PRICE FOR AIRFARE WILL GO UP, that means someone could join the trip but that the $2900 will not hold if someone adds after this point.

3. I strongly recommend that you consider buying Trip Insurance for the trip, this way can have insurance which can reimburse you. I am not endorsing any particular company, you can find many listed on the web. This website lets you compare several plans all at once http://www.quotewright.com/ I checked it quickly it is seems you could get a policy from about $75-$110 that would cover the trip and there are many options and variables.

4. Please find below a list of the names I have for those that tickets will be purchased tomorrow, please double and trip check this list to make sure it is correct

1. Potter, Paul Delbert
2. Justus, Breanna Leigh
3. Justus, Brian Allen
4. Blackburn, Adam Corey
5. Heller, Seth
6. Neyhart, Brian Phillip
7. Peek, Michael Matthew
8. Brown, Jesse Douglas
9. Clifton II, Marion Ricahrd
10. Moore, Jimmy Lee
11. Prater, Isaiah Dexter
12. Swartzentruber, Mitchell Ray
13. Sanders, Olivia Lynne
14. Wineland, John Dennis

Here is what I need you to do:
1. Read this email carefully and understand that your money ($250) is committed once the tickets are purchased
2. Carefully consider trip insurance
3. Triple check your passport name listed above
4. Send me your passport number as soon as possible!!
5. If you have any concerns or questions send them to me immediately
6. Start dreaming about a trip of a life time

Thanks for your help,
Dr. John D. Wineland
Grayson, KY

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Trip is On!!!!

Cave 4 at Qumran
Hello Everyone,

I have some good news for all of you tonight. The trip is on!!! The travel agent has agreed to hold the excellent price we have even though we don’t have 16. Of course there is still time for people join us so keep spreading the news.

1. Passport Information:
We have 12 people who have given me passport information here are the names please double check them for me

1. Potter, Paul Delbert
2. Justus, Breanna Leigh
3. Justus, Brian Allen
4. Blackburn, Adam Corey
5. Heller, Seth
6. Neyhart, Brian Phillip
7. Peek, Michael Matthew
8. Brown, Jesse Douglas
9. Clifton II, Marion Ricahrd
10. Moore, Jimmy Lee
11. Prater, Isaiah Dexter
12. Swartzentruber, Mitchell Ray

One person has not sent me her passport information: Lauren Ratcliff.

2. Deposits:
I still need deposits from Lauren Ratcliff and Marion Clifton, also I need $400 more from Mitch Swartentruber.

3. Payment Schedule:
*VERY IMPORTANT: BEFORE THE END OF DECEMBER OUR TRAVEL AGENT WILL BE RESERVING OUR AIRPLANE TICKETS THIS REQUIRES HIM TO PLACE A NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT OF $250!!What this means is that very shortly half of your deposit will be committed, of course this is no problem if go on the trip but if you do not go on the trip will forfeit this money.


** FINAL PAYMENT $ 1900 by FEBURARY 1ST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me know if you have questions.

John Wineland

Friday, December 4, 2009

FAQs about the trip


Ride where Indy Rode!!!

Be in Jerusalem just days before Palm Sunday

These are some of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Spring Break Holy Land Trip

1. Is it too late to sign up?

No there is still time and room to come along.

2. How do I signup?

Contact Dr. John D. Wineland wineland@kcu.edu

3. Can I get credit for the trip?

Yes you can get undergrad and graduate credit for the course.

4. What can the trip hours “count towards”?

Either History hours (esp History and Archaeology) or as a Bible elective either NT or OT, see the registrar to sign up for credit

5. How much is the trip?


6. How much is the deposit?


7. Can my financial aid help me on this trip?

Yes in many cases it can, of course it depends on your situation.

8. Are the credit hours included in the trip price?

No the trip price covers your participation on the trip not the credit hours.

9. Do I have to “take a class” to come on the trip?

No credit hours for the trip are optional.

10. Is this trip only for KCU students?

No it is open to the public, including alumni, friends, relatives, parents etc.

11. What is included in the trip price?

Airfare roundtrip New York to Amman, ground transportation (we will have our own bus and local guide as we travel), Breakfasts and Dinners, lodging, entrance fees

12. What will we see on the trip?

Many sites mentioned in the Old and New Testaments including Amman, Mt. Nebo, Kings Highway, Karak castle (OT site with a fine Crusader castle), Petra (of Indiana Jones fame our trip includes a horse ride at Petra!), Jericho, Qumran (Dead Sea Scrolls), Masada (a fortress of Herod the Great), The Dead Sea, Bethlehem, Jerusalem (including many sites Mt. of Olives, Gethsemane, Garden Tomb, Via Delarosa etc), Sea of Galilee boat ride, Tiberius, Capernaum, Cana, Nazareth, Mt. Carmel, Jerash, and more.

13. What are the dates of the trip?

March 18-27, 2010

14. How do I get more information?

You can check out the trip blog at http://kcuspringbreak2010.blogspot.com/

You can also email Dr. Wineland at wineland@kcu.edu

Talk to your parents and relatives about the trip too, this could be your Christmas gift (maybe your Birthday and graduate too). I have tried to talk one couple into being married at Cana the place where Jesus did his first miracle at a wedding!! I hope you can join us.

John Wineland
Grayson, Kentucky